Thursday, April 8, 2010

A u R  A

when you come face to face with a person and you capture their inner aura or soul onto.. some brush strokes.. some paint or pastels

touching and revealing
of a wonderful
to have an artist;s license to do so.

i can paint so many people
and not get bored.

the detail brush strokes is from this painting.
of the twin girls.. 
one is studying bio chem and the other psychology

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

taken by charmaine..
of a painting i did for
amy ,,, her mom

Sunday, April 4, 2010

i can see the soul of a person
only when i lift up my pencil
and look at every detail..
some people say.. i can see
aura ... using diff colors to depict
their inner self
.. i usually draw people looking
and studying their left eye first
it reflects on their soul..
some people when they are young
their right eye just tells me they
are very nice.. and they are..

Different ways of cutting jackfruit
personable or pro style...
either way --you have to be lucky
which fruit he cuts.

jackfruit process..similar to photo taking sessions

one day.. i had some time.. at singapore's tekka market
and the jackfruit man was in quite a good mood..
so i watched him for a good.. one hour or so..
...remind send these photos to him.. so our
tourists will appreciate..the process...sticky

there is something to be said 
same about them.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

yes i n s e c t s are telling us..

perhaps this..

WALK on the straight path ---------------------------------
are telling
us something

the singapore botanical 
gardens.. closes at mid
night.. these christmas
pictures were taken
last year..2010

inside pages from tetra pak brochure

good clients need good people
to handle their work..
i was lucky to have met them

tetra pak.. inside pages..

.. the importance of
 content, cover and back cover
inside out ..outside in. when observing
people..................and a good command 
of color sense............................
is pleasing to the eye.
Lin chan graphic design
 is a wholly managed business of Lin Chan. 
Principal activities include marketing of graphic design activities. 
The consultancy has developed a unique understanding of the geographical,cultural, programmatic and financial requirements which must be accommodated to achieve design excellence.These areas of expertise have been expanded by the diverse nature of the projects, covering everything from personal stationery to total corporate identity programs.

smile you are onto.........

Whilst pursuing a career in Graphic Design, lin chan also devotes much of her time to painting her favorite subjects People and Places. In her words I want to paint the nature and buildings in Singapore while they are still here.I have this passion inside of me, i want to capture the feeling of what can become the bygone era, the lush tropical environment that personifies Asian living and capture the special moment in time on canvas when the tropical sunlight illuminates with a special glow.

yes you look up and smile with your eyes..

apa khabar???

"this little sketch is for me". ...a smile..

these special moments.. when you smile.. and she allows you to .........

a wonderful memory.. of special places make them smile when you give them a painting ...